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Try a Thai Massage in your hotel room!

Thai Massage

When you are dealing with severe bodily issues, or when you are quite experienced in getting massages and like them a bit more rough then a gentle stroke on the back a Thai massage will definitely suit you. A Thai massage is given by an experienced and licensed masseuse, so trying out these techniques on your partner might not be the best idea you ever had. When dealing with severe back pains or other issues treat yourself with a good and professioinal Thai massage done by a licensed masseuse. The treatment will be a bit more intense compared to a relaxation massage, but the results are better and last longer.

What is a Thai massage
Thai massage is based on applying pressure, massaging deep into the muscles and almost yoga-like stretching. By massaging deep into the muscles severe and old issues can be treated with this technique. By stretching your limbs and muscles stress related blockages can be treated and the blood circculation in your muscles will be improved. A good Thai massage will have several moments that might feel uncomfortable in the muscles and limbs for the client. Therefore it's not a technique for people who are not accustom with having a massage or can't take a little uncomfort during the treatment. By stretching, applying pressure and massaging deeply the muscles are treated more thoroughly then in most other massages which can help treat severe issues and will make you feel almost reborn after the treatment.

Special preferences
Depending on your wishes and issues the masseuse will treat certain areas with a softer or stronger touch. By combining strokes, kneeding and applying pressure with her thumbs and hand palms the muscles and tense areas will be treated in the way your body needs. She will most likely start with treating your back, shoulders, neck and lower back to make you feel comfortable and to let you get used to her touch. Also, most people have issues in their backs and shoulders so by treating them first your body will feel free to relax and enjoy the rest of the massage after that. She will continue by treating your legs, which are usually more tired then you might think, and will start to treat your front side to get to any other bodily issues that are affecting your well being.

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